Monday, December 29, 2014

Empty Stockings

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
Awaiting the children who soon would be there.

Empty stockings tell two tales.  I hang them with joy before the children arrive and think about all the little things they will hold.  Stockings always come first on Christmas morning.  Before going in to the tree to see what Santa left, the kids sit in the family room floor and dump out the stockings.  Whatever else is inside, there's always chocolate... lots of chocolate! It's just the beginning of the merriment and fun of the big presents under the tree. 

The stockings have done their job.  Now they're empty again.  Our time together goes on, the memories of another Christmas are made and stored up in our hearts to keep forever.  And then everybody goes home.

The house is quiet.  The stockings hang empty by the fireplace.  It's a bittersweet time.  Each one tells the tale of a different child.  As I take them down, I will see each precious face, hear each distinct voice, re-live all the special hugs.  They will go back into their box to be ready for another year. 

Symbols of a festive time and the gathering of ten dear people who are my family.  May God richly bless each one of them - and me too - as we enter a new year.

And I wish each of you a healthy and blessed 2015!