Thursday, August 14, 2014

One Year Anniversary!

August 15, 2013 - 2014

One year ago today, I had my fourth and final chemo treatment.  Granted, my journey with cancer is small compared to so many others.  But any journey with cancer is a monumental battle for the person fighting. 

I can tell you this: the battle is tough and you are forever changed.  I'm still determining what that change means to my life.  But I know I'm not the same person.  I refuse the term "new normal" because I don't think it means anything.  I'm not searching for my new normal.  I'm finding my way to be in the world now. 

And I have my hair back.

My message to every woman who reads this is simple:


Yes, check yourself often, but don't depend on what you feel.  That annual mammo may not be perfect, but it's the best defense we have.  Those sneaky little cancer cells sometimes hide in places that cannot be felt until it's in an advanced stage.  Had I waited until I actually felt a lump, I would have been in great trouble.

I thank God for this past year of my life.  In the midst of all the effects of the treatments, there have been many happy times.  My husband, my family, my friends...all have given me more love and care than I could ever ask or hope for. 

We wonder sometimes why we have these difficulties, especially when we're supposed to be enjoying our "golden years."  I've come to understand that it's our job now to be an example to those who are watching us.  Hopefully they will see that all the things we've stood on and taught all our lives - things like faith and hope - are valid and dependable.

God is faithful.

I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.  I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.
-Psalm 89: 1 & 2